Thursday, May 27, 2010

Oh, where oh where have I been?

A little under the weather and just starting to feel better as I finish my 1st trimester. We are expecting! I remember when I was pregnant with Keenan, someone telling me how decadent your first pregnancy was (at the time I was outraged!) oh, how right they were.

Tired and queasy take on a whole new meaning with a two year old at your feet. Hence, not much crafting, well actually not much of anything going on around our house (dishes, laundry, shopping). Thank heavens for take out and wonderful husbands to pick up the slack.

Hopefully the 2nd trimester will be a bit easier and I'll have a little bit of energy left over for making very tiny and cute baby stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Congratulations, what exciting news. I hate the first trimesters, too. To this day I still think I'd rather give birth twice than go through the first trimester. I'm glad you are on the the second trimester, best wishes.
